“You only see what your eyes want to see”…Madonna sure made a fortune with this lexis, but my interpretation takes off into a different genre of reality.
Do you really need your eyes to see what you want to see? Give it a thought!
You definitely don’t need eyeballs to be a visionary, or to foresee, or to dig out an insight. All you need here is a large chewed chewing gum looking thing in your head & the job’s done!
Your eyes just familiarize you with the unknown or recognize you to the known, but surely the story ends there. Rest is taken care by Mr. Brain himself.
Well, this write up is not to boost the morale of the visually deprived friends on the holy planet, but rather to boost their lives.
Millions of visually impaired people around the world are living a new life everyday, but are not familiar with it. To them, a rainbow in the sky is just as black as the m&m’s in their pockets.
So, here goes my Idea for the Innovation of Tomorrow:
Before you start with the idea, I would like you to close your eyes & try seeing the world. And surprisingly, I’m sure you’ll see quite a lot…with something called the mind’s eye.
What I would like to bring to the table, is just a pair of glasses for the visually deprived friends.And I’m not talking about the ones that they are already attaching to themselves with regret.
All visually impaired individuals aren’t lucky enough to carryout transplants due to medical complexities & limitations. But let’s see beyond the obvious…
I propose the magic of Virtual Reality. VR is a simulated environment or a computer generated pseudo-3D interactive technology which provides the user with a feeling that he or she is physically present in a computer-generated world.
And a world that’s as tailor-made as our bona fide lives.
These VR glasses will have camera-sensors that can detect the scope of sight of the person at that very moment, & transmit these motion pictures back to the mind. Therefore, his mind displays to him, what he might have seen with his own eyes!
The concept is based on the principle of Imagination Broadcasting. If we can crack the code to display what we imagine or dream, then the process can definitely work vice versa. In the sense; that what we see with our eyeballs, can actually be transmitted to the mind's eye.
And for people who are deprived of both the visual & hearing senses, especially since birth, these VR glasses will be accompanied by voice & sound detectors that will recognize each voice & sound, via the built-in or stored sounds/voices in the artificial memory.
Not only that, our friends will actually have an edge over us ordinary people. With applications like GPS, internet, camera, live recording, video gaming & movie viewing installed…they’ll have the liberty to disconnect from the alien world, & spend time with just themselves…wandering in their visual thoughts, or on the neighbourhood streets…all by their own selves!
Well, what I see for them in 2050, sitting on this crease of 2009; is a world that shows no compromise to any individual…at least when it comes to the nitty-gritty.
Rest is how they see their destiny.
- Neo